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What is Mold?

Have you ever been greeted by a patch of gray fuzz resting on top of the sour cream container in your fridge? If you’re like most others, you likely had an unpleasant feeling and some anger about food getting wasted. But what exactly is this hairy organism and why should you care about its presence in your home? This is exactly what you’re going to learn in this guide. After going through this article, you’ll have developed a profound understanding of mold, including how it differs from mildew, as well as its different types. Let’s begin with the definition of mold.

Defining Mold

Like mushrooms and yeast, mold is a kind of fungus that grows on organic material like food, plants, fabric, and wood that are exposed to and stay in contact with moisture. It’s a natural part of the environment and is present all around us.

In their earliest stages, mold colonies remain microscopic, but as they proliferate, they begin forming visible spots in certain places.

Some people confuse the concept of mold with that of mildew and end up using the two terms interchangeably. Simply put, mildew is a type of mold. While both thrive in moist environments, some differences exists between the two. Similarly, it can have different colors, including green, blue, or black, while mildew looks powdery, dry, or white or gray. In addition, mold generally appears either fuzzy or slimy, but mildew always appears flat.

The smell is also different. Mold smells more pungent and stronger because while growing, it gives out microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs). On the other hand, mildew has a musty, mildew smell similar to that of damp socks.

Types of Mold

Here are some of the different types you may encounter.


As the most dangerous type, this type can cause serious temporary and permanent health issues. It produces a toxic chemical called mycotoxins that exist on the surface of the spores or inside them. Exposure to this type usually occurs upon inhaling, ingesting, or touching.


This is another harmful type that not only impacts those with allergies but also healthy individuals. One common condition is an acute response called hypersensitivity pneumonitis, which resembles bacterial pneumonia.


Of all mold types, this type is the least harmful of all. While it’s not life-threatening, it can prove problematic for asthma patients or those who have allergies.


By now, you should have obtained an in-depth understanding, including the different types. Based on the aforementioned insights, you can’t take any chances with mold presence, regardless of the type. If you’ve just noticed mold lurking in your basement, bathroom, or any other area of your home, consider hiring an experienced restoration expert. No matter how complex the situation is, Ram Restoration is here to help you out. Contact us today.

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